Called "Braaaiiinnnsss! From Academics to Zombies", and edited by Robert Smith? (the mathematician who made a media splash a while back by modeling the spread of a zombie virus mathematically), this textbook features a variety of academic essays on the truest and most vital topic of the age: the zombie apocalypse. Mine is but one of a veritable cornucopia of scholarly discussions on the zombie problem that faces the world today, a humble contribution on the epidemiology of the zombie plague.
The book is available at a variety of outlets, such as:

(or, for those of you who would prefer to read the essays in French, at:
and of course, Amazon has it at:
So remember, it's three a's, three i's, three n's, and three s's. "Braaaiiinnnsss"! Be very careful about asking for it by name.
Just a small clarification.
They didn't translate the book itself into French (yet!), but uOttawa is a bilingual university, so there's an advertising page in both English and French.
But, regardless, let me just plug John's essay, which is fabulous. It's so good I put it at the front of the collection!
- Robert Smith?
In my view every person ought to look at it.
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